Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I finally figured out something

Another semester almost done. I am happy I finally decided what I wanted to do. Child Development Master Teacher's Certificate. :) That sounds all official. Basically, this lets me be a preschool teacher, which I know I am going to LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE doing! I think my parents are finally getting onboard with it, and thats so important to me. I need to know I am making them proud. I finish in Spring 2010. I am finally certified GE so all I have left to take is CHDV courses, which is awesome because now I feel like I am going to be only doing the classes which I love!! Screw 4 year degrees... they don't mean anything anymore. I am proud of what I am doing and I want the world to know!!! :) So here it is. WORLD, I AM GETTING A CHILD DEVELOPMENT MASTER TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. I AM GOING TO BE A PRESCHOOL TEACHER AND I AM TRUELY GOING TO ENJOY MY FUTURE JOB!

Whew, that felt good.


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