Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zoey's 1 month old!

I can't believe  Zoey is already 1 month old. She has been such an easy baby for us. Even in the hospital and the first few nights home she didn't wake up at night to eat on her own...we had to wake her up. We freaked out the first night when she was home with us when I woke up at 5am and she was sleeping soundly. She nurses every 2 hours during the day and at night gives me around 4 hours in between feedings. I'm only getting up 2x max at night so I'm very happy about that.

Zoey is very laid back and loves her swing. She will sit in it content for hours. She also loves being held though, that's her favorite. She is a great nurser (Thank you LORD) and is happy to go along with whatever the rest of the family decides to do. She did her first "social smile" on June 10th, just 3 days before her 1 month birthday. That's sooner than Brodie did his which makes sense since girls like socializing more. Oh, and she's not in cloth diapers yet because her little legs are too skinny. :P Soon I hope.

Here are a few photos I've taken (I took a million others but won't post them because I'd overwhelm everyone with her cuteness hehehe).

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