A few things floating around in my head I thought I'd get down in writing:
-I'm 23 weeks pregnant today, I feel like time is going SO slow and yet speeding by at the same time. Is that normal??? Only 17ish weeks until I have an infant again, but that 17 weeks seems like eternity when 3 friends have had a baby since December 24th.
-Zoey is kicking and moving a ton. I swear Brodie didn't move around this much or kick me in so many places in such a short amount of time. This probably has something to do with Brodie having a short umbilical cord but still.
-What if the 4D place was wrong reading the sex? I have an OB appointment Thursday and he doesn't know I went to find out the sex so he is going to try and find it via ultrasound on that day. If he says girl as well I will feel much more confident in thinking we are having a girl. :)
-Nick and I both like the thought of doing owls as a "theme" for Zoey's part of the room. Nick even bought her a onesie yesterday (first thing we've bought for her) with cute little owls on it. :)
I think that's it. It feels good to get that down on paper.