Sunday, January 15, 2012

A few miscellaneous things (23 weeks pregnant)

A few things floating around in my head I thought I'd get down in writing:

-Nick and I have decided we are NOT going to have a baby shower this time around. I know, I know people are all gung ho on them and think it's crazy we aren't having one but hear me out. I feel selfish having another baby shower when my baby who is here is only 15 months old (plus I've heard you are really only supposed to have a shower for your first child).  It feels wasteful to have a shower when all of Brodie's stuff was already gender neutral since we didn't find out the sex last time. I don't really need much of anything for Zoey, partly because of my previous point and partly because we've already been so blessed by hand-me-downs from various friends and family. Seriously my list of stuff to buy is 4 items long. I need cloth diapers for Zoey, another changing table pad for the top of the dresser (since Brodie has ripped his up), a double stroller (which we will get used via Craigslist because it's pointless to spend hundreds on one), and a few of those Soothie pacifiers. So yeah, no baby shower this time. To appease people's desire for some sort of party, my great friend Rose is going to throw a small, no presents, "Come meet Baby" tea after Zoey is here for immediate family and my bible study girls.

-I'm 23 weeks pregnant today, I feel like time is going SO slow and yet speeding by at the same time. Is that normal??? Only 17ish weeks until I have an infant again, but that 17 weeks seems like eternity when 3 friends have had a baby since December 24th.

-Zoey is kicking and moving a ton. I swear Brodie didn't move around this much or kick me in so many places in such a short amount of time. This probably has something to do with Brodie having a short umbilical cord but still.

-What if the 4D place was wrong reading the sex? I have an OB appointment Thursday and he doesn't know I went to find out the sex so he is going to try and find it via ultrasound on that day. If he says girl as well I will feel much more confident in thinking we are having a girl. :)

-Nick and I both like the thought of doing owls as a "theme" for Zoey's part of the room. Nick even bought her a onesie yesterday (first thing we've bought for her) with cute little owls on it. :)

I think that's it. It feels good to get that down on paper.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

15 months old!

Brodie turned 15 months old yesterday. :) We had his well baby check up this morning and he has grown A TON in the last 3 months.

Weight:  24lbs (43%tile) - this is a HUGE gain for my boy, who has always been 10% or lower since like 6 weeks old. He gained 4lb 3oz in 3 months and went from the 10%tile to the 43%tile!

Length: 32.5 inches (87%tile)- he grew 2 inches in 3 months and went from the 72%tile to the 87%tile. This explains why none of his onesies fit anymore!

Head Circumference-18.5 inches (45%tile) - his head circumference grew 1/2 an inch in the last 3 months but stayed the same percentile.

Brodie is talking a LOT more this past month. He is singing or babbling constantly and says mama, daddy, bye, hi, please, kitty, doggy, baby, and apple. Maybe more, I just can't think of them all. He signs hi, please, thank you, more, eat, and apple. He understands A TON of signs and words. Also this month we have been able to kick the pacifer completely. We pretty much lost all of them and that was the end of it! :P I'm glad it was quick and painless. :)  This month we have also done a few new things:

-We can eat apples whole and steal them from Grandma's house:

-We can hang up Christmas tree ornaments and go visit Santa:

-We can help with yard-work and eat dirt:

-We can play in the snow at Sea World:

-We can eat an entire ice cream cone:

Can't wait to see what this month holds for our family <3
