This month has resulted in a language explosion! Here are some new (just to this month) expressions/sentences that he uses VERY frequently.
*Daddy (or mommy/poppy/grandma/auntie/kitty/whoever) where r u?
*There it is.
*There they are.
*I love you!
*Mommy (or daddy/poppy/grandma/auntie/kitty/whoever) bye byeeeee.
*That's me!
*Clean up, clean up!
*Uh oh spaghettios!
*Here you go.
*Another one
*Night Night!
*More dance please.
*Hello...hello...bye (while on phone)

Brodie is an AWESOME big brother, and helps me out a lot. He will bring a blanket or a paci to Zoey all on his own if she's crying or he thinks she needs it. He also dabs spit up off her chin with her outfit or a blanket if he notices it. As for me, he gets the boppy for me, gets her a diaper if I ask, and brings me my water while I'm nursing. It's so sweet to see him being such a big boy and a big helper.

My all time favorite thing that Brodie says is, "sister, love you!" :) The first time he said it it MELTED MY HEART. I got a picture of him as he was saying it to her too.
Brodie is starting to pretend play. He pretends to feed his baby and rock his baby in swing (many times while I'm nursing). He also plays with cars and dances A TON. Oh, and he helps me "vacuum" with his popper toy. Best thing ever for him, loud for me :P

His favorite 3 shows are Super why, Blues Clues, and Elmo/Sesame Street. He sings along to all the songs in these shows and sits captivated watching them. He even asks for them and will turn on the TV to try and find them. It's interesting how much of an opinion he has already.

He is soooo smart too. He already counts to 10 (Nick taught him using fingers and toes). He has also learned all his letters in the last month. He can pick any letter out of a pile of letters if I ask him to find me one. He searches, picks it up and excitedly exclaims "THERE IT ISSSSSSSSSSSS!"
He can also say them. He:
Knows - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, w, x
Says just sound of/recognizes- h, p, y
Doesn't know- V, Z (saying wise...he can find them in a pile if I ask him though)
Knows - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, w, x
Says just sound of/recognizes- h, p, y
Doesn't know- V, Z (saying wise...he can find them in a pile if I ask him though)