Here is a recap of the glorious day's events with coordinating pictures:
We woke up at about 7am and I jumped up and down on the bed yelling "Christmas Time" until I got Nick out of bed. Then, I started a pot of water for hot Chocolate and got our presents put on the table from under the tree. I let Nick open his first, and boy was he surprised. I got him Assassin's Creed, a video game for XBox 360. I also got him a padfolio for his work, and a basket full of stuff to go on a picnic. He got me Super Mario Galaxy, the TV series Band of Brothers, and the soundtrack from the movie Rainman. We sipped on hot chocolate and tested out our games.
Then, we headed over to my parents house to give them their gifts and in turn got spoiled with gifts. I can't even mention everything, it was so much good stuff! :) After hanging out there for a while, we jetted back home so I could frost the cake I made for Christmas lunch, and then headed over to my Grandma's house. Over there, we met up with not only my family, but my Aunt, Cousin, Uncle, Step-Aunt, and Grandma. We ate a yummy lunch of ham, potatoes, brocolli, rolls, etc etc. Then, opened more presents and hung out for a bit. Oh, and guess what? Nick hadn't EVER done a wishbone wish!!! My grandma had one from the turkey from thanksgiving, and let Nick and I do it. It was so much fun, and of course I won. :P
Then, that night, we ate miso soup for our first Christmas dinner... how unique!!!! And then, went to Heather and Jason's house to watch Ratatoulli. It was cute. :) What a wonderful first Christmas, with my wonderful husband Nicholas. :)