We got my car on Tuesday and I love it! It is a 2004 Toyota Corolla CE and it runs wonderfully. It has AMAZING gas mileage and is so much more high tech that I am in awe. Thanks for the prayers! :)
We have been looking for a new (used) car for me because mine went capoot. It is so much more complicated than I thought it would have. We have a couple more to look at before the car show on the 23rd, but I am sure that we will find one soon. Pray we get a good deal and that I can find a great car soon! :) Some cars we are looking at to buy: Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Nissan Centra, something to that idea. I want it to have good gas mileage, 4 doors (for when I start having the chillins), low miles, and air conditioning.
If anyone has anything that fits that description, please please let me know!
It has only snowed 2 times in Ramona my whole life, one of which was yesterday...on my first valentine's day being married! :) Sooooooooo awesome! :) Here is a picture of the glorious snow!